One Week Countdown

I can’t believe that I have only one more week of work! Just ahead is freedom, time for reflection, and adventure. At the same time I know I’m going to miss the students, the community, and the work. I can’t believe that I’ve been an educator in Oakland for 11 years, during which time I’ve helped to start three schools. Time flies… I wish I could make it pause for a bit.
One week ago (June 17) Oasis celebrated our first graduation. It was a wonderful capstone to an intense year. We graduated all four students who enrolled with enough credits to be able to walk the stage by the end of this year. Each of the students gave inspiring speeches and helped to create a ceremony that was as unique as each of them. Three of the four completed community college courses at three different local campuses in sociology, auto mechanics, and Spanish. They were featured on the front cover of this week’s Oakland Post. (The current issue is not yet on-line, but you might want to check back at later.)
I’m planning on putting together a photo album to compliment this blog. I’ll start with picture from graduation, so check back soon.
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